Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Scraptastic Tuesday

I've found the perfect place to display some of my scrap/wonky 'stuff'.  It is Scraptastic Tuesday hosted by She Can Quilt.  I mentioned earlier in the week that I found some 4 inch square scrap fabric.  I admit that they're not all 100% cotton or even cotton, so you can see this is not only scrappy but perhaps a little wonky too.  Today, I spray basted (great invention) the top, batting & back and quilted it with a meandering stitch.  I'm toying with the idea to also top stitch each square.  My intention is to use this to make a bag for Bag It hosted by Elm Street Quilts.  So here's what I have so far:



Don't forget to follow the links above to see other 'Scraptastic Tuesday' projects or to find out more about 'Bag It'.

Hope you enjoyed your day.

-- Pat


  1. Love your patchwork start for a bag! Bag It is news to me--would love to make a bag, also.

  2. It's going to be a fun bag. What a great way to use up a some scraps.

  3. Thanks for the shout out! Lovely scrappy blocks! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday we will be picking winners later in the week thanks to Finish-A-Long
