Sunday, August 27, 2017

Slow Sunday Stitching

Today I'm participating in Slow Sunday Stitching hosted by Kathy's Quilts.  It's a chance to slow down and spend some time doing hand work.  Today I worked on hexies.  Here are the three I completed:

Visit other bloggers who are participating in this week's Slow Sunday Stitching.  Join us and show us what handwork you've been working on.

Hope you had a good day.



  1. Very nice hexies. Are you enjoying making them?

  2. Love your hexies--beautiful color choices...I plan to pick up my hexagons this winter... do you glue baste or stitch?
    I have always stitched them but recently saw a glue baste tutorial from Sue Daley--will try a few I think altho' I don't like glue very much....hugs, Julierose

  3. Hope you enjoyed your slow stitching yesterday. Very pretty hexies.
