Monday, September 11, 2017

New Long Term Project

I've decided I am going to create a project to make all the paper-pieced blocks in this book.  I'm going to call it the '300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks Project'.  How's that for an 'original' name? 

As of yesterday, I've made 59 blocks.  I finished another four today.  Only 237 blocks to go.  I expect this will be a long term project.  It took two years to finish the 501 Quilt Blocks Project.  I imagine this will be about the same.  Here are the four I finished today:

# 38

# 108

# 107

# 119

After a little break from sewing these blocks, my intention was to sew a few blocks from the '501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks' book by Judy Hopkins.  But...I found some 4 inch fabric squares I've had for at least 5 years and I just HAD to put them together.  It's very scrappy!  My intention is to quilt it with the 'white' one as the backing fabric and the other as the top.  If it turns out okay, I hope to use it to make something else.  I can't talk about it yet but I should be able to in the next week or so.

Hope you had a good day.

-- Pat

1 comment:

  1. Very fun blocks! I really like that last heart one.
